Friday, December 21, 2007

Things that make me smile

So more in with the spirit of Christmas, and definitely definitely in the spirit of procrastination (as I'm meant to be working) I thought write a list of things that make me smile.

You know what I mean - when you see something or think about something and you can't help it, a smile just appears on your face. I love that moment!

So ... my list of things that just make me smile (in no particular order):
  1. puppies
  2. kittens
  3. chocolate
  4. Paul (*puke* I know)
  5. hugs
  6. flowers that smell nice
  7. happy little kids playing (*cluck**cluck*)
  8. thinking about my house
  9. morning coffee
  10. the smell of coffee
  11. nice smells in general (baking, perfume, nice boys etc etc ;-))
  12. a good book
  13. a good movie
  14. giving someone a present (stole that one off Tanz - so true)
  15. mum phoning from the UK
  16. receiving a present
  17. buying new clothes that I like
  18. hearing a song I like on the radio/stereo etc
  19. getting something for free
  20. seeing someone do something nice for another person
  21. sleeping in
  22. finding money in a pocket
  23. talking to a good friend
  24. seeing you have an email from a friend
  25. receiving postcards in the mail
  26. good food
  27. good wine
  28. Monteiths summer ale
  29. thinking about Paul proposing (*puke* again I know)
  30. my ring :-)
  31. Christmas lights
  32. book shops
  33. Better homes and gardens (tv program and magazine)
  34. wearing something you were given a present that makes you think about that person
  35. seeing my friends have updated their blogs as it means I can catch up on their lives
  36. remembering happy family occasions
  37. thinking about nice things people have done for me
  38. remembering finding the house warming present my family got for us
  39. smiling at someone and having them smile back
  40. achieving something I've worked really hard for
  41. Marea!
  42. doing something quirky
  43. winning - at anything
Ok that's my list for now :-) And guess what! I have a great big smile on my face now! So I reckon you guys should all think about your own list of things that make you smile as its definitely a nice way to start your weekend :-)



BarWench said...

Ummm - Marea? What have you been drinking ;)

Unknown said...

So I come in at number 4?! behind puppies and kittens? So if I don't shave, grow a hairy back, lick my bum, and pee in the garden or against a tree will I move up the list? ;-)

Marea said...

I'm smiling:-)

I only just read this blog - I didn't realise you'd written so much during the holidays and they had archived.

Number 41! I believe you forgot to caveat 'in no particular order'

Still smiling:-)

Marea said...

Woops now I see the caveat -