Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Be quiet ... please!!

Don't you just hate people who are overly loud & opinionated! Ok ... no I'm not talking about me ;-)

The story:
I'm sitting on the bus on the way into work this morning with my nose buried in Digital Fortress by Dan Brown (great book by the way). The next thing I know I look up and we're pulling out of a bus stop and the bus driver is trying to nose it's way in front of a truck waiting at the lights by the hospital (a very normal occurrence). Well the truck driver wasn't too happy about this (since we were approx 5 mm away from the side of the truck by now) and tooted it's horn (that's about the time my nose came out of my book). Fortunately our bus driver waited in the end for the truck to go first and then we crossed over the to far lane. But the truck driver was a bit peeved by now and hung around going slowly in the middle lane waiting to do who knows what to the bus driver. Fortunately for us the bus driver sped off a lot quicker than the truck and so nothing further happened there.

So you would think that was the point of my story right - wrong. What we were then subjected to was this opinionated twit a couple of seats behind me sounding off for the rest of the trip - all 20 minutes of it! He just went on and on and on, talking really loudly in one of those really put on "gay" voices (the one's that actual gay people don't use). At first he was going on about the bus drivers "road rage" and how he was risking all our lives blah blah blah. And just when I was about to breathe a sigh of relief thinking he would shut up ... no, he then started to tell his friend, in an even louder voice about his bad experiences with "Indian call centres" (being a bit racist really) and all this sort of stuff.

It was so distracting that in that 20 minutes I only manged to read 1.5 pages of my book. I just wanted to turn around and tell him that the rest of the bus really didn't care and could he just be quiet. But with people like that it's just not worth it - that would only make it worse. When he finally got off the bus on the 2nd to last stop (outside Paul's work) the rest of the bus breathed a big sigh of relief!

What a way to start the day aye! I definitely needed a coffee after that one!

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