Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Last day of 27

Today is my last day of being 27! From tomorrow onwards Paul can officially call me a nanna as for the next 8 months or so, I will be older than him. See - I have me a toy boy ;-) te he he :-)

So it'll probably be the most uneventful birthday day of my life. I don't think I'll get a single present on the actual day of my birthday :-( Ha ha - that's not to say I haven't or won't receive an presents at all - just not on the day.
Paul's mum was very nice and bought me 3 new pairs of thunderpants when we were in Martinborough for my hens do (Martinborough being the home of the Thunderwear store!).
Mum asked me a while ago whether I still wanted her to send my birthday cheque or whether I wanted to wait till I saw her around the wedding. So I said wait until she comes to Aussie and we can get something together then. We're taking her to the Eumundi markets up near Noosa, so I'm pretty excited about being able to buy something there. The Eumundi markets are very cool! If you ever come to the Brisbane area then you have to go there (Eumundi is about 2 hours drive north of us).
And finally, Paul is giving me some money towards buying a new cell phone - I desperately need a new one! My phone is so old that half the time it can't actually receive text messages from newer phones - there must be some encoding in new phones that make my phone have a fit. So I'm very excited about getting a new phone.

I want Paul to come with me to get the new phone so that we can discuss the merits of various models (generally mobile phones are much cheaper here than in NZ - you get way more bang for your buck!). I'm not really that interested in a camera on the phone as I have a good handbag sized digital one that a cell phone will never beat (as in fits in your handbag - not the size of a handbag :-) te he). But I would like something that has a "planner/calendar" type of thing on it that you can sync up with your computer. Also I would like one where you can record more than numbers against people in your address book (my NZ phone is good for that but my current one is useless). Plus, very importantly, it must have an mp3 player and expandable memory so that I can use it as an mp3 player (yes yes I know - it's shocking that I don't have one yet). But phone shopping will have to wait until next weekend as this coming weekend, Paul is away on a St Johns course the entire weekend. The course is being held here in Brisbane, but the hours are so long that they have to stay on site. Apparently it used to be a 2 weekend course that they've now squeezed into one weekend. So on Friday night it goes from like 5 till 10pm. And then on Saturday it goes from about 9am till 9pm I think and similar on Sunday. So if he had to drive the 45 min trip either side of the course then he'd be knackered!

So on a different note, after what I wrote on my blog yesterday, I did actually end up cycling home! The trip into work took me about 1 hour 15 mins - but I did get lost for a few mins on the way in (whoops) and when I got into town, I ended up going through the middle of the city rather than around the edge, so that took a little longer too. But I was very happy when the trip home only took me 1 hour and 10 mins :-) It's a harder trip home for a few reasons really - it's more up hill on the way home and also my legs were pretty tired.
Today I decided to catch the train in to give my body time to recover. But suprisingly my muscles aren't really sore today - they're a bit tired, but not sore. I did do lots of stretches, had a hot shower when I got home and iced my knees and back - so that must have had a good effect. But tomorrow I'm going to cycle in again to see how I go. It's easy to do something once - it's the 2nd & 3rd times that are the hardest.

Right - enough waffling from me. Back to work (well I need to have breakfast too - currently I'm running on coffee - *buzz* *buzz*).

Oh yeah - I saw this website advertised in my 3 news update email today. It's got lots of discount vouchers for around the country. Could be useful if you're interested:

Have a great day everybody!!

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