Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cycling to work

That's right people - today I cycled to work. You may remember a post I wrote a while ago where I called Paul mad for doing so and probably swore I'd never do it. Well I've been a bit slack about going to the gym lately so I thought that by cycling to work I would (a) save money on train tickets and (b) get fit at the same time :-)

So I actually quite enjoyed the cycle - I wasn't sure if I would or not. I go about half way with Paul and then he continues on the bikeway out to the airport and I veer off towards the city. Shock horror that not 5 minutes later I managed to get a bit lost - whoops. So I had to give Paul a call and get some directions. In my defence I had only done that ride once and that was back at Christmas last year and following Paul most of the way or having him tell me when to turn. Fortunately though I was only a little off track (3 streets over) so I found my way back.

So we'll see how oftern I do it tomorrow when I see how sore I am :-) te he. I'm not cycling home tonight as it's much harder going home (Keperra is higher than the city so there is more uphill on the way home) and I have book club at 7pm so don't really have time. So instead I shall cycle home after work tomorrow night. I'll prob try and leave work about 4:30pm though as by 6pm it's pretty much dark and I only have a budget light. If I decide that I'm going to commute more often then I'll go out and buy myself a commuting bike light. As a lot of the way is on bike paths which aren't lit, the bike lights that you need cost about $250 - $450!!

Right - lunch is over - back to work :-) Joy of joys (I'm testing at the moment - enough said :-( blah)

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