Thursday, October 16, 2008

51 days and counting

Hmm - I've not been so good on the updating front lately. Probably because I used to update my blog in the mornings when I got to work, before I actually started working. But these days I'm cycling to work so don't get to my desk till much later - and also need to leave for home a lot sooner. I think I need to start a new habit of updating it at night time :-)

Can you believe that it's only 51 days until the wedding - ARGH!!! *breathe*
Right - no more lazy nights in front of the telly. Time to get working on order of service booklets etc. *sigh*. If only they would create themselves ;-) ha ha. In fact - although the wedding is in 7 weeks and 2 days - I leave for NZ in 6 weeks and 1 day - so that's even less time!!

Janell is coming along with me for a fitting of my dress this weekend - I'm getting the hem taken up as I'm such a short arse ;-) I have to get the hems taken up on almost everything I own! Debz has to look after the kids as Lance is on call so she can't come this time. But it's very cool Janell is coming along. Depending on the weather situation we might go for a cruise on one of the citycats up the river and go for a coffee etc. Should be good :-)

So last night Paul and I got home from work not long before a pretty big storm hit us. It was definitely the best one since we've been in Brissy! We had 50mls of rain in just over an hour (we measured it in Paul's rain gauge). Crazy aye! And there was a hard out lightening and thunder display going on. It went right over the top of our suburb so it was like *flash* *bang* *flash* *bang* really close together. You could see lightening strike hitting the ground in the suburbs around us - it was awesome!! We even lost power for a minute or so before the backup kicked in :-) But we survived with no trees falling on our house so that's good. That's the one thing about storms over here - you worry about your big trees! Heaps of them fell over in storms last summer as they were weakened by the drought! But we use grey water from the washing machine to water the one at the front - so it should be ok. And the mango tree looks ok at the moment - probably because it rained so much last year. But we really should get a pump for our water tank so that we can give the mango tree a good watering sometimes.

Well - enough of my rambling, I have work to do.

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Trees said...

OMG! I can't believe it's so soon! Where did this year go?