Friday, July 11, 2008

So cold ......

Yes yes I know - stop grumbling about the cold as I no longer have any concept of "cold". However you try telling that to my body's temperature sensor. And why am I grumbling about it today anyway you may ask. Well Brisbane is having a nasty cold snap at the moment. Yesterday was a real Wellington day - cold but with a wind chill factor making it 5 degrees! Now that's cold by anyone's thermometer I say!

Now today I get into work just after 7:30 am as usual only to find that ALL the doors in the building are open (I work on the 3rd floor of a really old wooden university building). I have no idea why all the doors are open - but at 10:45am they still are. So there is a direct line between the cold air outside and my poor little fingers trying to type on my keyboard. I have even put on my fingerless mittens (they're very cute) but even they're not warm enough. So then I thought I'd shut the door to our room and at least keep the cold air out. My 2 workmates and I work in a "contractors" room at the university - so there is about 10 others from a company called Oakton. Anyway so the door had been shut for only a few minutes when someone came barging in to talk to someone and shock horror, left the door wide open. Fortunately this lady is nice so I forgave her ;-) But as she left I nicely asked her to shut the door as it was cold. She was nice and did so for me (she also offered me a blanket - te he). Anyway so the door was shut for another few minutes when one of the Oakton guys got up and left the room. And what did he do ... he not only left the door open, but he did it deliberately!! Yes that's right - he opened the door, and then looked behind it on the wall to see if there was a hook that he could "hook the door open" with. What a d*** head! He didn't even look at Nigel and I or ask if it was ok to leave the door open for such and such a reason! No - he wanted the door open so it was going to be open! The other point to note here is that Nigel, Richard and I sit in the open, right by the door. This arogant so and so sits on the other side of the room inside a little cubicle - so he doesn't feel the cold as much.

GRRRR! So obviously I'm peeved off right now! And cold! Grrr! And the fact that I have a head cold that I'm trying to get rid of before I go to world youth day next week doesn't make me like the guy anymore. Is it bad to wish bad things on him? Maybe a really nasty ingrown toenail? Or a rotton tooth? *sigh*

Anyway - off ot have yet another cup of coffee just to keep warm :-(

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