Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A long wait

Ok so it has been a long time between updates on my blog. However I have a very good reason for that (of course)!
So firstly 2 weeks ago I was sick while Paul and I had visitors staying from East Timor (who spoke very little English!!). Then last week Paul and I were at world youth day in Sydney and only got back on Sunday night at 10:30pm. Unfortuntely I never fully got over my cold before Sydney, so it's still hanging around. And now Paul seems to have picked it up as well. Normally he doesn't really get sick or only gets things mildly. However I think being out in the cold at Randwick really took it out of him. And since his work doesn't giv ehim sick leave until he's been there 3 months, he's currently going to work with a nasty head cold! Stink! I don't think the pregnant lady who sits next to him is very impressed - but what can he do! If he had sick leave then he would have taken a day off work and gotten better! Oh well - thats what you get working in the private sector aye :-)

Anyway so I will get up photos and stories from world youth day soon. This blog was really just to touch base and let you all know that I'm still alive and kicking :-D

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