Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I name thee cancer city

Living in NZ you know that it's a great place - but it's not till you leave that you actually realise it. Now don't get me wrong - I love living in Brisbane - but there are a few things that just make you shake your head. So over time I guess I'll share them with you. But todays gripe is smoking. SERIOUSLY! Everybody smokes over here! I mean they're not allowed to smoke in bars etc (thank goodness) but everywhere else you go there are constantly people smoking. Walking down the street, waiting at bus stops - just everywhere! And someone won't blink an eyelid about coming upwind of you, standing right next to you and lighting up a fag! Gross! I guess the Aussies haven't yet figured out that smoking is financially bad for the country!
Oh well! At least the sun has come out again today! I'm off to get a coffee. Mmmmm coffee!!!

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