Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Has a week gone already!

Wow - I can't believe that it has been a week since I last updated my blog. Bad Ange! But so much has happened in that time.

So I guess the biggest news is that I got a job! Yay! It's at a small IT company based here in Brisbane called Intelligent Pathways My official job title is Java Software Developer but it looks like I'll be doing a combination of development work and also some BA type work. I'll probably also get in a bit travel to Melbourne and Sydney! Very cool! I had my interview on Wednesday last week at 1pm and came out of it thinking to myself "I really want that job". And just after 4pm my phone rang and they were offering me the job. Sweet!! They didn't even ask for my referees let alone check them. I guess I'm just really lovely aye ;-)

So with the job side of things all wrapped up and ready to go it was time to hit the shops for some serious ...... ha ha NOT! But Paul and I did go out to DFO and Super AMart. At DFO (I LOVE DFO! It's like a supersize Dressmart) I bought myself a pair of sunnies down from $99 to $34.60 including a really good hard case for them. I also bought a couple of pairs of short shorts for $30, a pair of thongs (aka jandals) and a nice work top from Portmans :-) Then from there we took a couple of buses to Super AMart where we bought ourselves a sofa bed couch for the lounge. It will be very handy for when all you fullas and fullesses come to visit as you won't have to sleep on the floor after all ;-)

Of course our lovely Saturday was topped off by sitting down to watch the All Blacks beat the Aussies :-) I even found a bottle store that was selling Monteiths Celtic - they were $16.95 for 6 but man they tasted good!

So this week has really just been me starting my job (which is going pretty well so far) and Paul and I trying to sort out a reception venue for the wedding next year. So very busy on both those counts!!

But I'd better go as I can hear clattering coming from the kitchen - I'd better give Paul a hand doing the dishes before going to bed.

Talk to you again soon!

From your crazy kiwi!

1 comment:

BarWench said...

That sofa bed must've been heavy to carry back on the bus ;)