Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Up close & personal

Until recently I used to catch the 6:43 train into the city. This was great as I always got a window seat and could just sit and read my book all the way to work. However I got sick of trying to get up and leave the house in 30 minutes - especially since I spent the first 30 mins at work checking emails etc so wasn't on the clock anyway. So a couple of weeks ago I started catching the 7:11 train. This still allowed me to get into town, get my coffee and get into work by 8am without having to rush rush rush! The only downside was that I never got a window seat - however I did always get an aisle seat.

Until this morning that is anyway. I know exactly where to stand on the platform so that I'm one of the first on the train when the doors open (essential to getting one of the last seats). However this morning when the train rolled to a stop, there were "locked" stickers all over the door - argh!!! So I had to go to the next carriage and join the back of the queue. So by the time I got on the train there were definitely no seats left - not even any of those ones where 2 seats face each other (they're always the last to fill up). So instead I stood in the doorway in a nice little cubbyhole so I could lean against the wall. Good thing I found that because although I was able to read my book for the first couple of stops, by the time we left Newmarket, 5 stops to Central where most people get off and 7 stops to my stop, I was getting to know the guy in front of me far too well. And of course at every stop down the line more and more people got on that train. How they fitted in I have no idea but with every sway of the train I had people pressing into my body. GROSS!! My personal space is way too big for rush hour on the train. Although to be fair it isn't normally that bad - today was way worse than normal. But gross still! It's almost enough for me to consider catching the 6:43am train again! We'll see. The bad part is that even though I'm catching the later train Paul still makes my lunch for me most days. Isn't he a sweetie - I'll hang on to him aye ;-)

Well better do some work. I was off sick yesterday so have heaps to catch up on!

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