Wednesday, March 19, 2008

planning ahead

Well Paul and I are starting to plan our vege garden. Last night we even went out to Bunnings and bought ourselves a compost bin. So this weekend we'll find somewhere to set it up out the back of the property and then we're away laughing. I'm very excited as I haven't had a compost bin since I left home. Although our vege scraps went into the bin also known as our dog JAS :-) Dogs are great for that aye. Anyway so we have a little bin in the kitchen for food scraps and now a big one to make compost - yay! We also bought some spray paint so that Ange can make sure that we dig the vege garden exactly the right shape. Te he - I'm very particular :-)

Well Paul and I have also decided to go away this weekend. Queensland transport have just brought out this GO card system to use on the buses, trains and ferries. It pretty much just replaces the old paper 10 trip tickets so is more designed for occasional users than every day users (I'm still better off with a monthly ticket). But obviously the uptake hasn't been as good as they had hoped so they're giving free travel all over the network for all of Easter. Sweet! So we're off to Noosa for Friday and Saturday nights. We're going to go to the Umandi markets on Saturday which are meant to be really good. Yay! I'm very excited!

Well better do some work as I'm pretty busy at the moment.

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