Tuesday, January 29, 2008

11 days and counting

Yay - it's 11 days and counting till Paul and I go on our NZ holiday and I'm very excited! We fly out Saturday morning at 9:30 am and fly into Auckland. Paul's sister Theresa is then driving us to their parents place in Tairua (Coromandel) where we shall hang out and relax for a few days. Then on Tuesday lunchtime we fly from Auckland to Wellington where the "mad" part of our trip begins. It will be 6.5 days of wedding planning and catching up with friends. I'm very excited about getting to see everyone again. I'm not sure I can say I'm "excited" about the wedding planning bit (that would be just going over board) but I am looking forward to it. Lots to do and so little time.

Hopefully we can catch up with everyone while we're in town. Kat is having a girls night at her place on the Friday night (Feb 15th) so all the girlies are invited to that (if I haven't emailed you then it's just because I'm useless and not because you're not invited - I think I've only emailed like 2 people about it and have relied on Kat doing the rest - and she doesn't have everyones email addresses). We're also going to do brunch on the Sunday somewhere. I was thinking the Parade Cafe but apparently the round the bays is on so being anywhere near Oriental Parade is not cool. So now we're thinking the bristol at 11am as they do pretty good breakfasts. So yeah you're all invited to that too. I'll be on my NZ cell while we're in town so feel free to call me on that (or email me for it if you no longer have the number) anytime after 5pm on Saturday Feb 9th :-)

Right back to work. I definitely shouldn't be updating my blog at work. Doh!

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