Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Crash, Bang, Flash

What a night aye! First I did one of my 'waking up screaming & running across the room because there was a super size spider' nightmare things (on Friday night there were 2 hanging from the light shade - last night one had created a big web between my beside table and the curtain). Fortunately last night I woke up before I turned on the light though. On Friday night I gave Paul a hell of a fright when I turned on the light in the middle of the night - whoops - stupid nightmares!!

Anyway so you'd think that was enough excitement for one night right! Wrong! We got woken up about 3am by a massive storm outside. There was major lightening bolts that were lighting up the whole room (through our "black out" curtains too), followed by lots of loud crashing and banging thunder. Crazy stuff! I forgot to check the rain gauge when I got up this morning to see how much rain we had with it. Some parts got 23mm - but Brisbane gets storm cells so you can be fine while a few suburbs over they're getting hammered.

Anyway - so just thought I'd share that excitement with you. I'm sure when mum's visiting that she'll get to see a storm or 2 :-) They're pretty impressive aye!!

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