Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The myth of dress sizes

Ok - we all know that dress sizes are crazy. Depending on what type of clothing you're trying on, what brand, what store you're in etc the same size will vary greatly. Plus there is the well known fact that dress sizes go up every year anyway to counter for the fact that the average weight of the population also goes up every year.

But seriously! It's getting crazy now! I currently weigh around 58kg - give or take a few hundred grams depending on what I eat each week ;-). When I was in high school, 58kg was my "fat" weight. As in if I got to 58kg then alarm bells went off and I had to watch what I ate. Now in all my years of high school the smallest size I ever fitted was a size 10 - but usually I was a size 12. Let's face it - I have hips (and that's not a bad thing) and bones just don't shrink! Now let's fast forward 10 years (*shudder* that's way too many years since high school) and add on the fact that I also grew a butt (as women do - also not a bad thing). So can you imagine how shocked I was when I had to buy size 8 clothing when I went shopping on the weekend. Hello - my hips still exist - my bones haven't shrunk - so how can I be a size 8!!

Crazy aye! That pretty much means that in 10-15 years dress sizes have gone up 2 sizes! Stupid things! Now I'll be even more confused when I go into a store and the shop assistants ask me what size I am. Is it 12, 10 or 8!!!

Anyway - that's my rant for the day - te he he :-)

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