Friday, January 11, 2008

The weekend is nigh

Yay - the weekend is almost here. This week has just been one of those weeks aye! I've struggled to motivate myself to do anything really. Although I have been good and have made it to the gym twice :-) So going tonight and then on Sunday will make it 4 times this week - that's pretty good I say!

Although there are other positives. Debz and Lance and the kids would have gotten back yesterday so thats good! I missed having Debbie around! Now we will definitely have to organise our house warming bbq. At this stage I'm thinking Saturday Feb 2nd which is the weekend before we go to NZ. I was thinking the weekend before that but thats a long weekend with Australia Day on Monday 28th (wahoo) so I guess it's likely some people may go out of town.

Yay, only 4 more weeks till Paul and I go to NZ :-) And then I get to see all my friends. Yay! I miss you guys!! Hugs to everyone.

Hmm - have you noticed how some days you are like "piss off and leave me alone" and then other days you just want to hug everyone. Aren't hormones weird! Anyway strangely enough I'm in a hug mood today. So poor Paul had to put up with me telling him how much I loved him and getting lots of hugs this morning. He probably thinks I'm queer - te he I'm probably am (ok ok not that kind of queer - weird queer - quirky even some might say).

Anyway I'm just rambling about nothing now as I'm procrastinating actually doing some work. Bad Ange!

Hope you all have a great weekend :-)


1 comment:

BarWench said...

Darling - one must be careful when one comments about ones hormones going crazy - one might read into that and start spreading rumours that one might be expecting ;)

can't have a fat bride in December ;)