Monday, December 10, 2007

Back to work but only 2 weeks till Christmas!

Well I'm back at work on a Monday morning after having 3 days off work. Well technically only 2 but having our work Christmas do on Friday was pretty much like having an extra day off. And it came at a good time too as I was at that point where you just don't care anymore. There is only so long a person can run in overdrive - and I'd been doing that for quite a few weeks. So as you can imagine I am definitely looking forward to the Christmas break! And the best part about it - Paul and I don't have to drive anywhere - YAY! On Christmas eve we will go home from work, sit around the house and then go to "midnight" mass at 10:45pm (mass is at 11pm but with carols at 10:45pm). Then we will go home, go to bed, wake up, open presents (yay) and still not have to drive for 8 hours anywhere. Of course the downside is that we're by ourselves for Christmas - but oh well!

I forgot to bring the cable from my camera to work to I can't put any pics up from the Christmas do on my blog today. But I had the best work Christmas do ever - and it pretty much didn't involve any alcohol so how good is that!

We went out to the Royal Pines Resort golf course on the gold coast and played 18 holes of golf. And it was so much fun! We were playing 3 man ambrose - everyone hits the ball and then you pick the best shot and play your next shot from there. I had one of my bosses in my team and he plays golf about once a week and could hit the ball for miles! So that was really handy as frankly my drive left a little bit to be desired. It would have taken me a long time to get down some of those fairways aye!! However I did a couple of good drives and a few good shots from partway down the course. Also thanks to Dad taking us to put put golf as kids lots I could actually put ok :-) And it was very cool driving the little golf buggies around the course - wahoo :-)

Anyway after 5 hours of playing golf in the blazing sun we were all pretty tired and hungry. So we went to the resort pool where we had a huge feed put on for us and all you could drink alcohol for 2 hours. However we were all far too tired to get tanked so I had 1 beer and a bubbles & OJ mix (really refreshing!). I'm such a booze hag aye ;-) Then after lunch (lunch having started at 3pm) a bunch of us went for a swim - that was so nice :-) Afterwards half us came back into Brisbane and went to Lock N Load in West End for dinner and a drink. And can you believe it they served Monteiths Summer Ale! I was in heaven! Paul came in and joined us and we hung out there for a few hours until the stragglers decided to go clubbing. However I was too tired, too poor (had used my $35 I'd saved up on dinner and a couple of Summer Ales) and was wearing shorts & my tshirt from golf so Paul and I caught the 12:43am train home.

So ... the moral of the story!
Christmas events do not have to be big drunken affairs to be fun! I'd much rather do something active and fun and get to know my work mates better (and remember it) than get drunk and (frankly likely) embarrass myself!

Anyway so got to do some actual work now :-)


p.s. Yay - Paul and I finally get our phone connected tomorrow!!

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